A provider of home and community-based services.

Companion Services
Companion services are provided to individuals living in private residences for the limited purposes of providing supervision and minimal assistance.
this is focused solely on the health and safety of the adult individual (18 and older) with mental retardation.
This service is not available to people who are residing in Unlicensed or Licensed Residential Habilitation settings. Companion services are used in lieu of habilitation services to protect the health and welfare of the individual when a habilitative outcome is not appropriate or feasible (i.e. when the individual is not learning, enhancing, or maintaining a skill).
This service can be used for asleep hours when only supervision or non-medical or non-habilitative care is needed to protect the safety of the individual with mental retardation. For example, a companion can be used during overnight hours for an individual who lives on their own but does not have the ability to safely evacuate in the event of an emergency.
Behavioral Specialist
This service provides support to people with behaviors that make it difficult for them to be active in their community.
The Behavior Specialist has training in how to understand why a person may be having difficulty.
The Behavioral Specialist creates a plan called the Behavioral Support Plan. The Behavioral Support plan helps everyone who is in regular contact with the waiver participant to support him or her. This service includes training family members and providers in how to support the participant and teach him or her skills to be more independent.
We work closely with the Supports Coordinator to make sure that other services are provided according to the Behavioral Support Plan.

Home and Community Habilitation
This is a direct service (face-to-face) provided in home and community settings to protect health and welfare to assist individuals
Services consist of support in the general areas of self-care, communication, fine and gross motor skills, mobility, therapeutic activities, personal adjustment, relationship development, socialization, and use of community resources. When services are provided by agency-based providers, this service also includes transportation services necessary to enable the individual to participate in the home and community habilitation service, in accordance with the individual's ISP.
This service may not be provided in licensed settings, and is not a licensed residential service; for residential services, see Residential Home and Community Habilitation Licensed Homes and Unlicensed Homes.
Home and Community Habilitation is a service that may be provided to individuals in their own home or in other community settings not subject to licensing regulations.